GitHub - duyu09/Powerload-Classification-and-Prediction-System: Power Load Classification and Prediction System Based on Deep Learning Algorithms. 基于深度学习算法的电力负载分类与预测系统(该项目已参加2024年第17届中国大学生计算机设计大赛4C2024)
Power Load Classification and Prediction System Based on Deep Learning Algorithms. 基于深度学习算法的电力负载分类与预测系统(该项目已参加2024年第17届中国大学生计算机设计大赛4C2024) - duyu09/Powerload-Classification-and-Prediction-System
GitHub - duyu09/Intelligent-Learning-Platform: 我的青春不迷茫-基于LLM与回归分析算法的大学生智能生涯指导与学习大平台 软件系统项目源代码。该项目已参加2023年第16届中国大学生计算机设计大赛4C2023。[可用于毕业设计、课程设计等]Source code tree of Intelligent Learning Platform Software System Based on LLM & Regression Analysis (ILP). This project has participated in the 16th Chinese Collegiate Computing Competition (4C2023) in 2023.
我的青春不迷茫-基于LLM与回归分析算法的大学生智能生涯指导与学习大平台 软件系统项目源代码。该项目已参加2023年第16届中国大学生计算机设计大赛4C2023。[可用于毕业设计、课程设计等]Source code tree of Intelligent Learning Platform Software System Based on LLM & Regression A...
GitHub - duyu09/QLU-NLP-Laboratory: 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院) 自然语言处理与认知计算研究团队官方网站 (源代码仓库) Source code tree of official website of Research Group for Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Computing of Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences)
齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院) 自然语言处理与认知计算研究团队官方网站 (源代码仓库) Source code tree of official website of Research Group for Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Computing of Qilu University of Technology (Shandong...
GitHub - duyu09/Duyu-Audio-Processor-Core: Source code tree of Duyu Audio Processor Core. Based on Numpy, Scipy, Sonic Library and FFmpeg. It can process mainstream format audio files, such as: transform sampling format, gain attenuation, channel mixing, reverberation echo effect, adjust speed and tone, cut, blend, add mute, fade in fade out effect, FFT filter, 3D surround sound effect,etc.
Source code tree of Duyu Audio Processor Core. Based on Numpy, Scipy, Sonic Library and FFmpeg. It can process mainstream format audio files, such as: transform sampling format, gain attenuation, c...
pip install dapc==3.5.2
dapc -h 或 dapc --help
dapc -i <inputFile> -o [outputFile] --output-option [sampleRate] [bitDepth]